systemd 链接到标题

在之前的博客中介绍过 systemd 的基本使用及通过 timer 来替换 crontab 的方法,今天来说一下如何调用 watchdog。

在 systemd 中,提供 watchdog 来检测服务状态状态,官方文档中描述这个功能为 “keep-alive ping”,我们可以在服务的启动配置中,添加 WatchdogSec 来指定 timeout 时间,在服务程序中通过发送 WATCHDOG=1 来不断的通知 systemd,服务处于正常状态,当超过 timeout 时间未收到 WATCHDOG=1 信号后,systemd 会根据 Restart 配置,决定是否自动重启服务。

示例 链接到标题


 $ cat /root/project/watchdog/
# coding:utf-8
import os
import time
import socket
import logging

print("Test starting up...")
time.sleep(1)  # 模拟执行真实业务
print("Test startup finished")

    sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
    addr = os.getenv("NOTIFY_SOCKET")  # systemd default addr = "/run/systemd/notify"
    if addr and addr[0] == "@":
        addr = "\0" + addr[1:]
except Exception:
    logging.error("Failed to get notify socket addr")

if sock and addr:
    sock.sendall("READY=1")  # 通知 systemd 服务启动完成

count = 0

while True:
    if count <= 10:
        sock.sendall("WATCHDOG=1")  # 通知 systemd 服务正常运行"Notify socket addr is:%s", addr)"test.service watchdog timestamp update succeeded")
        count += 1

服务 systemd 配置:

 $ cat test.service
Description=A test service written in Python

ExecStart=/usr/bin/python /root/project/watchdog/


 $ systemctl daemon-reload
 $ systemctl start test.service
 $ systemctl status test
● test.service - A test service written in Python
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/test.service; static; vendor preset: disabled)
   Active: active (running) since 日 2019-03-10 10:16:39 CST; 21s ago
 Main PID: 12202 (python)
   Memory: 4.0M
   CGroup: /system.slice/test.service
           └─12202 /usr/bin/python /root/project/watchdog/
# 在 Python 程序中,如果没有指定输出位置,会默认打到系统日志中
3月 10 10:16:41 yiran-30-250 python[12202]: Running...
3月 10 10:16:43 yiran-30-250 python[12202]: Running...
3月 10 10:16:45 yiran-30-250 python[12202]: Running...
3月 10 10:16:47 yiran-30-250 python[12202]: Running...
3月 10 10:16:49 yiran-30-250 python[12202]: Running...
3月 10 10:16:51 yiran-30-250 python[12202]: Running...
3月 10 10:16:53 yiran-30-250 python[12202]: Running...
3月 10 10:16:55 yiran-30-250 python[12202]: Running...
3月 10 10:16:57 yiran-30-250 python[12202]: Running...
3月 10 10:16:59 yiran-30-250 python[12202]: Running...

timeout 导致服务重启:

 $ systemctl status test
● test.service - A test service written in Python
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/test.service; static; vendor preset: disabled)
   Active: deactivating (stop-sigabrt) (Result: watchdog) since 日 2019-03-10 10:17:06 CST; 2ms ago
 Main PID: 12202 (python)
   Memory: 3.9M
   CGroup: /system.slice/test.service
           └─12202 /usr/bin/python /root/project/watchdog/

3月 10 10:16:49 yiran-30-250 python[12202]: Running...
3月 10 10:16:51 yiran-30-250 python[12202]: Running...
3月 10 10:16:53 yiran-30-250 python[12202]: Running...
3月 10 10:16:55 yiran-30-250 python[12202]: Running...
3月 10 10:16:57 yiran-30-250 python[12202]: Running...
3月 10 10:16:59 yiran-30-250 python[12202]: Running...
3月 10 10:17:01 yiran-30-250 python[12202]: Running...
3月 10 10:17:03 yiran-30-250 python[12202]: Running...
3月 10 10:17:05 yiran-30-250 python[12202]: Running...
3月 10 10:17:06 yiran-30-250 systemd[1]: test.service watchdog timeout (limit 5s)!

journalctl 查看具体重启原因:

3月 10 10:19:20 yiran-30-250 python[12303]: Running...
3月 10 10:19:22 yiran-30-250 python[12303]: Running...
3月 10 10:19:24 yiran-30-250 python[12303]: Running...
3月 10 10:19:26 yiran-30-250 python[12303]: Running...
3月 10 10:19:28 yiran-30-250 python[12303]: Running...
3月 10 10:19:29 yiran-30-250 systemd[1]: test.service watchdog timeout (limit 5s)!
3月 10 10:19:29 yiran-30-250 systemd[1]: test.service: main process exited, code=dumped, status=6/ABRT
3月 10 10:19:29 yiran-30-250 systemd[1]: Unit test.service entered failed state.
3月 10 10:19:29 yiran-30-250 systemd[1]: test.service failed.
3月 10 10:19:29 yiran-30-250 systemd[1]: test.service holdoff time over, scheduling restart.
3月 10 10:19:29 yiran-30-250 systemd[1]: Starting A test service written in Python...
3月 10 10:19:29 yiran-30-250 python[12324]: Test starting up...
3月 10 10:19:30 yiran-30-250 python[12324]: Test startup finished
3月 10 10:19:30 yiran-30-250 systemd[1]: Started A test service written in Python.

参考链接 链接到标题